Catalyst Science Discovery Centre and Museum
Catalyst is an interactive science centre and museum which aims to entertain, inform and educate. Our key aim is to make science exciting and accessible to everyone and to inform people of all ages about science based industries and their role in our lives – past, present and future. Our main theme is chemistry and how the processes and products of chemistry are, and have been, used in everyday life with particular reference to the locality.
We hold nearly 10,000 individually numbered items and groups including objects, archive material and photographs. The objects range from test tubes to a 20 ton cast iron caustic soda finishing vessel and the archives include company documents of all kinds, product brochures and general ephemera. The photographic collection documents products and processes, company history, social activity and local history. We also have collected some local social history objects which have helped to give a human context to the collection as a whole. Our current digitisation project stands at just over 70,000 unique records.
Click here to see objects associated with Catalyst Science Discovery Centre.
Opening Hours
During school term time (closed Mondays)
Weekdays (Tuesday-Friday) and Weekends 10.00am to 5.00pm. Last admission is at 4.00pm
All enquiries:
Telephone 0151 420 1121
Catalyst Science Discovery Centre and Museum
Mersey Road