St Marie’s Heritage Group

We are a team of volunteers who are tasked with protecting the heritage of St Marie’s following the redevelopment of the building in 2014. We focus our heritage activities on two areas: Firstly, we want to highlight the beautiful architecture & craftsmanship that went into the buildings original design & creation and secondly, we want to pay tribute to the thousands of people who worshipped inside St Marie’s over the 143 years that it was open as a church. We organise tours, events and talks that we hope will be of interest to local people.

Group Meetings: We meet once a month (usually in the evenings) and we aim to host at least one heritage activity each month also. The times vary from one meeting/event to the next.

Volunteers are always warmly welcomed in any capacity, be they active on work parties or research and heritage projects.


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Current Page: /halton-heritage-partnership/st-maries-heritage-group-2/
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